Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Who got chocolate in Stiv's peanut butter?

It was almost inevitable that Stinky's tribute to Stiv Bators would inspire another obsessive compulsive collection of cover versions. All of the songs from the Dead Boys' two studio albums have been covered, most of them more than once. 

"Sonic Reducer" is far and away the most popular. Of course, the Dead Boys' version itself originated with Rocket From The Tombs (as did "Ain't It Fun", "Down In Flames" and "What Love Is", all cowritten by Cheetah Chrome.)

Today we have an hour's worth of Dead Boys classics. Most of them are performed in the original style, with the exception of "Sonic Reducer" (which appears as both a surf rock instrumental and a moody extended take by Cleveland's own Rainy Day Saints). 

"What Love Is" also appears twice. I couldn't decide between the Supersuckers' version and the one by the reunited Rocket From The Tombs (with Cheetah Chrome, David Thomas, and Craig Bell joined by Richard Lloyd on guitar and Pere Ubu's Steve Mehlman on drums). Supersuckers are finger lickin' good, but that RFTT remake has the original recipe rocket sauce. Two great tastes that taste great together!

Thanks to Wilfully Obscure for reposting the Bum singles.