Monday, November 14, 2022

Apples and Peaches for You: It's NRBQ Jukebox 2!

This set of songs that NRBQ taught us starts in 1958 with I Got A Rocket In My Pocket, a single that took Terry Adams over a decade to find after he heard it on the radio as a kid.  Scroll down past Terry's mugshot in this interview for the details.

It's loaded with Q fan favorites: C'mon If You're ComingHot Biscuits and Sweet Marie, Wild Weekend, 12 Bar Blues and more (31 songs in all!)

Thanks to blog reader Robert -- who identified Daddy-O as a private press single from a Massachusetts band called The Checkmates -- I finally got my hands on a copy to share with you. It took awhile to find, but nowhere near as long as Terry had to search for Jimmy Lloyd's single!

My Daddy-O 45 isn't in great shape, but Al Santos (seen on the cover of his LP Gaiety Polkas) was in fine form when he cut the tune. The b-side (I Love My Babciu And Dziadziu) is more sentimental. You can get a taste of it in this video of Richie Kendra performing his composition.

There's one more NRBQ Jukebox to come, and it's devoted to the jazz side of NRBQ's repertoire.  But this one's got country music, rock and roll, rockabilly, blues, and a little bit of soul.


  1. NRBQ's Jukebox, vol. 2:

  2. This looks great, thanks! Never realized they did so many covers!!

    1. Hope you enjoy it! There are loads of other cover songs they did live, especially when a random request was pulled from the "Magic Box". I once saw NRBQ play "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"!

      I considered doing a fourth set of songs from the reincarnation of NRBQ. Terry formed a group of new players in 2009 (first as the Terry Adams Rock and Roll Quartet, then reclaiming the NRBQ name). Scott Ligon (guitar) has been a consistent member since then, and it looks like Scott's drawing on musicians from his other band (The Flat Five) for recent NRBQ live shows.

  3. What stick-to-it-ness, Jonder! Way to track down DADDY O. - Stinky

  4. Another great comp, including a song by Chuck Berry that I had not heard before!. Looking forward to Vol3 (and maybe 4?) in the series. Thank you. BMinNZ

    1. Greetings to you in NZ! If you haven't heard NRBQ's version of "It Don't Take But A Few Minutes", take a few minutes to download this compilation:


    1. Wow, folks -- it's a playlist of over three hundred songs that NRBQ have covered, either on record or in concert!

  6. Late to the party but thank you for Part 2!
