Monday, July 29, 2024

More Songs With Even More Repetitive Titles


Please welcome our guest Richard, who has enlivened the comments section on "world music" and other recent topics.  There hasn't been a "triple word score" post in awhile, but that's only because I've been sorting through dozens of songs that Richard shared from his collection of music from all over the world.  

One goal of this "research" has been to create a compilation of songs with titles that repeat the same word four or more times.  I had a list of some quadruples and quintuples, and Berni suggested several more, but Richard came up with enough to fill two sets of songs.  In our email exchanges, he used the phrase "four or further", which became the title of today's comps.

As you can see from the first tracklist, some of the titles are just a letter, a number, or a syllable (like Otis Redding's "Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa").  While looking up some of the artists on Discogs, I discovered that Laetitia Zonzambé (who sings "ô ô ô ô ô") also recorded the Otis Redding tune a few years ago.  It's the only song that appears twice.

The second volume of "Four Or Further" is mostly pop, rock and country, and is sung in English (with the exception of Spanish punk band The Meas and an Italian language cover by Paola Turci of a "cod reggae" song (which you will likely recognize).  That's about as worldly as it gets on the second set, unless you count ABBA, Vengaboys or Chris Knox as "international" artists.  Their music should sound familiar to anyone raised on popular music from North America or the British Isles. (Familiar yet strange, in the case of Chris Knox.)

There have been eight triple word song title comps posted here since the madness began in March. Richard, Berni, Crab Devil, steVe, Nathan, One Buck Guy, MrDave, Koen, and Stinky have suggested song titles for past and future comps.  Apologies if I've forgotten anyone. 

Aside from the novelty and the challenge of finding these songs, it's been a real pleasure to hear so many artists who are new to my ears.  There's enough music on the hard drive for at least six more CD-length comps of triple songs, and I keep finding more (or they find me).  Further suggestions are always welcome!  

In the meantime, Richard and I hope you will enjoy today's share of almost four dozen quadruples, quintuples, and so on.  "Do, Do, Do, Do, Do, Do, Do It Again" might be the most repetitious title, but Ginger (from The Wildhearts) also deserves recognition for "You're the One, You're the One, Yeah I Know You're the One, You're the One (Yeah, I Know You're the One)".


  1. Volume 1:

    Volume 2:

    Thanks again, Richard!

  2. Well done, done, done, done! I wish that was another song title, but unfortunately I couldn't find any...

  3. I love obsession-based comps! - Stinky

  4. I wouldn't say it's necessarily commendable but it certainly is astonishing and bewildering how you are all able to sift through the vast oceans of music to cull these curiosities! Quite an accomplishment -- kudos?
