Friday, November 13, 2020

He's My Brother (He Ain't So Heavy)


Apropos of brothers and blogging, Stinky has compiled a timely collection of songs by performers with famous siblings. Some of the brothers performed together (Ray and Dave Davies, Phil and Don Everly, John and Tom Fogerty, Chris and Rich Robinson, Liam and Noel Gallagher). Their sibling rivalries have taken place in the public eye, and have caused their bands to split up.

Perhaps wisely, other siblings have pursued solo careers separate from their more successful brothers. Chris Jagger, Mike McGear, Stacy Earle, Jimmie Vaughan, Andy Yorke, Lewis Lymon and Linda Gail Lewis are examples from that category. One can imagine that it might be easier (though less lucrative) to make your own way as an artist if your brother is as mercurial as Mick Jagger, Steve Earle, or Jerry Lee Lewis. Your sibling's fame could boost your own career; but it might weigh heavy on your pride to be overshadowed by Frankie Lymon, Paul McCartney, Stevie Ray Vaughan, or Thom Yorke.

You can weigh the pros and cons of fraternity and fame as you listen to the latest from Brother Stinky. Also featured are Sean and Julian Lennon, Dorsey Burnette, Martha Wainwright, Nancy Sinatra, and more!


  1. He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother (Vol. 1)

    Another Stinky Production

  2. Stinky is so prolific. I don't know how he/she? keeps it up. What a wealth of ideas and angles on music and I assume life too. A hoot I bet.

    1. How do you think s/he does it? I don't know. What makes s/him so good? I bet you're right: probably a hoot to hang out with.

      I got a message from Stinky last week saying that s/he had some real life work to do and might not be in touch for awhile. A couple days later, this and another Tom Petty comp showed up. All I can say is thank you, Stinky -- wherever and whoever you may be!

  3. Thanks so much for the kind words Five Guns West and Jonder! I'll cop to being a male, and I used to drive all over the country collecting records (and cassettes by local bands) listening to 90 minute cassette tapes I made to make the miles melt away. I still like to take a mix CD (or a mix CD's worth of music) on a test drive before passing it onto Jonder.

  4. Another great comp! David Knopfler for the next one?

  5. BMinNZ: How did I forget David Knopfler?! You rock!

  6. any chance for a reup? I missed only by a couple of days. Thanks!

    1. Hi, Greg! You may have heard that Mediafire links sometimes "play dead".

      If you reload the page once or twice, you should find that it's still there. If that doesn't work for you, I can upload it to a different file host.
