Tuesday, November 10, 2020

It's A Crime To Be Broke In America


Friend Of The Blog draftervoi pointed out that the The Offs' 1980 version of "I've Got The Handle" (from the 415 Music compilation LP) is significantly different from the take that appeared on 1984's First Record.

If you can handle three versions of "I've Got The Handle" (including the percolating live performance at the Deaf Club), last week's Offs compilation is now re-upped with the 415 recording and a live track from the Fab Mab ("Funk It Honey").

As Earl Zero asked on "Zero Vs The Offs", "Are you a punk? Are you a new wave? Are you a rap band? Are you a reggae reggae band?"  Earl could have easily added "funk band" to his inquiry. "Why Boy", "True Story" and "Body Hesitation" are NYC punk-funk, and The Offs' Live At The Mabuhay Gardens set starts with a scorching rendition of James Brown's "Think".

Speaking of Friends Of The Blog, my brudda Nathan Nothin started a GoFundMe for his family. Like the protagonist of The Offs' "624803", Nathan got laid off. He and his wife and daughter are faced with losing their home and making a reverse migration from the West Coast to the East. If you can help, the link is here: Too Old To Be Homeless


  1. Carry On Offs (version 2, 21 tracks):


  2. Cool! I love alternate versions! - Stinky

    1. Me too! Each take on "I've Got The Handle" has its own merits. I was most familiar with the Deaf Club version, where the guitar is extra chonky and Don Vinil sort of scats along with the saxophone. The version on "First Record" is slower, with a great horn arrangement, and the menace of the lyrics is clearly enunciated. The recording that appeared on the 415 Music compilation sounds like it could have been recorded at the same session as "My World", one of my favorite Offs tunes.

  3. Hey, glad you were able to track it down. I've got the Offs LP somewhere...in great shape, if I remember correctly...but where, I'm not sure (I moved in July and things are stored in boxes in two different buildings).
