Saturday, September 30, 2023

Material Issue: Best of the Rarities!

Stinky's Homemade Records is proud to present Material Issue: The Very Best of the Rarities for your power pop pleasure!  Each carefully chosen sliver of music is strategically arranged into captivating movements that leap across genres.

 Didja know that a documentary about Material Issue was issued in 2021?  It's called Out of Time: The Material Issue Story.  

Speaking of documentaries, Born Innocent (the Redd Kross documentary) is finally complete and will be shown in London and Barcelona next month!  And the McDonald brothers (Jeff and Steven) are working on a memoir (tentatively titled Now You’re One Of Us - The Incredible Story of Redd Kross, the Coolest Band in the World).  It will be coauthored by Dan Epstein, who wrote (among other things) Big Hair & Plastic Grass: A Funky Ride Through Baseball and America in the Swinging '70s.  Sounds like Dan is well-suited to the task of guiding us through the history of America's grooviest musical brothers!  Are you excited?  MrDave and I are stoked.

Anyway, here's Tom with the weather here's Stinky with Material Issue: The Very Best of The Rarities!


  1. Material Issue Rarities:

    Another Stinky Construction!

  2. Thank you, I only have International Pop Overthrow & Eleven Supersonic Hit Explosions, so your compilation is a welcome addition!

  3. Yep I'll look fwd to that RK doc. Interestingthat rock docs are being made now for bands that weren't commercially successful... For ex. my fav local band during my college days 45 yrs ago in DC were "Razz". They never evenhad a record deal, never made an album, but are now the subjdct of a rock doc. (maybe best known now for spawning Tommy Keene, although he was never very commercially successful either)

    1. I agree completely, there have been some surprising recent music docs. The two that I watched most recently are "Taking The City By Storm" (about early punk and new wave in Milwaukee), and "We Were Famous: You Don't Remember" (about The Embarrassment, an early 80's band from Wichita). Both docs are currently making the film festival circuit, and probably won't be available on DVD or streaming services until next year.

      I guess there is a market for the underdogs who "coulda, woulda, shoulda" been better known. Tommy Keene may not have been commercially successful, but he is power pop royalty! Thanks for your comment, Ed!

  4. I'm dying to see the Material Issue doc! I saw them live in Washington D.C. at the height of their success & they were excellent! - Stinky

  5. Great band -- thank you! I can't believe I'm a month behind here already. I had no idea about the upcoming RK doc or bio so thanks for the heads-up on those!
