Sunday, May 26, 2024

Music Music Music

Heavens to Murgatroyd, it's that theme again!  You know the one.  Here's another fifty tracks of music, music, music!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Berni, Crab Devil, MrDave, One Buck Guy, steVe and Richard (whose suggestion gives today's first comp its title) for all their contributions!

Berni made the most suggestions, including Joel Plaskett, whose triple album Three includes a dozen songs that earn a triple-word score. Plaskett followed that with a quadruple album.  Oh, Canada -- a nation of inveterate showoffs who never know when to shut up.  

One Buck Guy made some great suggestions as well, including several Doppelnamers: two different songs called "Tora Tora Tora" and one called "Hi Hi Hi" that wasn't written by Paul McCartney.  Be sure to check out the One Buck Blog for tons of great music and discussion.  And don't miss Berni's mix of live Calexico tracks over at the C90 Lounge!

Speaking of blogs, this is the 300th post on this one here, which might be more impressive if it hadn't taken six years to accomplish.  Couldn't have done it without my unindicted co-conspirators, Stinky and Koen (who has a blog of his oen)!  Just remember: we may not work fast here at Jonderblog, but we do a lousy job!

And it wouldn't have been worth doing without you readers and your comments.  We truly appreciate knowing that you like the music shared here, and thanks to everyone who has suggested and shared great music in return.  I wouldn't have known about Joel Plaskett or Anna Hillburg without Readers Like You.  

Are these the last installments in this series?  Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. Berni just sent in another half dozen songs, so who knows?  I realize that the novelty has worn off, but there's a wide variety of music to enjoy here, from blues, swing and rockabilly (lots of rockabilly) to hard rock, ska and hip hop. Music Music Music starts with a lewd double entendre from 1938 (courtesy of the Light Crust Doughboys), and Shake Shake Shake ends with something equally crude from Auntie Hammy, eight decades later (hat tip to Crab Devil).  Let's put another nickel in the nickelodeon...



  2. Nice ones! 'No No No' has been used as a title by different artists for different songs; Dawn Penn, Deep Purple, Beirut, etc.

  3. Another volume, Jonder? "Neat Neat Neat!" - Stinky

  4. Heavens to Murgatroyd? I had to exit, stage left, to crack up at that reference.
    Congratulations on the anniversary. Three hundred posts in six years is only 4.1 per month, you slackers!
    Still, you've proved yourselves smarter than the average bear.

    P.S. Bill Kirchen & Austin de Lone - Wine, Wine, Wine (Curse you, I'm seeing these titles everywhere everywhere everywhere.)

    1. Yup -- it's a curse, curse, curse! Thanks again, Berni. Hope you saw (and heard) Stinky's posts on Bill Kirchen, the king of Dieselbilly:

    2. PS - while we're impressing each other with feats of mathematics, I reckon that at least 30% of "Shake Shake Shake" is the result of your recommendations. Kid tested, Berni approved!

    3. I did see the Bill Kirchen posts! Great stuff! I've seen him a couple of times and I became a fan. I also did a Bill Kirchen compilation a while back that I was thinking of re-posting which is what pointed me to the track "Wine, Wine, Wine."

    4. Austin Lounge Lizards - Dumb Dumb Dumb

  5. Yay! Thank you for these additional volumes!

    Now, speaking of having the bloom wear off the rose, rose, rose, though not to be a dick, dick, dick about it, there must surely be 20-plus songs (from the 1950s and early 1960s alone) with the title "Rock Rock Rock" -- to say nothing of any alternative renditions of THOSE songs. Even so, I'm glad to see your use of the term "perhaps" with reference to a continuation of the series as such. Never, never, never say never, amirite?

    1. How can I say no, no, no?

      Like you, I thought there would be a lot of songs called "Rock Rock Rock". Richard Berry (composer of "Louie Louie") wrote and recorded one, which leads off last month's comp of the same name. There's one written by Glen Moore and Milton Subotsky (the same guys who wrote "Lonesome Train" and "Rock Therapy"). There's another "Rock Rock Rock" written by Peppermint Harris (best known for writing "Raining In My Heart" and "I Got Loaded"). There's one by the Blue Jays (LA doo wop quartet). And there are some contemporary "Rock Rock Rock" songs, including one by Sparks (which appears on the Fun Fun Fun comp). But not nearly as many as I expected to find. Maybe readers know of others?

    2. I resemble that remark! Sort of! (Actually, I've just now sent you an email about that -- fyi, if nothing else.)

  6. hey there, hi there, whoa! there good job on covering just about all the three-word songs! One of my faves you all covered early on: Be a man, can a mystery man
    Be a doll like a baby doll
    It can't be fun, not anyway
    It can't be found, no way at all
    A distant man can't sympathize
    Can't uphold his distant laws
    Due to form on that today
    I got a feeling then I hear that call
    I said, neat, neat, neat!!!

  7. Am I missing the download for Music Music Music?

    1. Thanks for the heads up, Anon. Once in awhile Blogger decides that I am spamming my own blog, because that is a thing that I might do. You should see the links at the top of this section, now that my comment has been Marked Safe From Spam.

  8. Congratulations Jonder on the milestone. Lots to catch up here.

    1. Thank you! Glad you found us. LMK if you find any dead links, and I will be happy to re-up them.

  9. Hi, I scrolled, again through all the triple word value posts and I cannot believe this. I forgot, you forgot, and they all have forgotten (or cancelled) one of the most brilliant power songs of all (in my not so humble opinion). Oi! Oi! Oi! The Cockney Rejects

    1. Oy, oy, oy -- how did we all forget? Even the white supremacists seem to have abandoned Oi (in favor of neo-folk). Thank you for your latest contribution, Richard!

  10. Living Things - Born, Born, Born

    1. I remember Living Things! Bombs Below, Berni!

  11. Hey there boss,
    Lest you think I was sleeping on the job:

    Chilliwack - My Girl Gone Gone Gone
    Dappled Cities - Fire Fire Fire
    Don'ts - Blahblahblah
    Paul Lekaris - Boom Boom Boom (Let's Go Back To My Room)
    Petty Booka - Bla Bla Bla Cha Cha Cha
    The Lashes - Please Please Please

    1. Wow, I don't know ANY of these! Thank you, valued associate -- now back to work!

    2. To be honest, I only knew Chilliwack (a Canadian band) and Petty Booka (a Japanese ukulele duo). The rest of these were in my listening queue and I took note after hearing. It's back to the mines for me...

  12. If you do not continue with this series I'll do an Alvin Robinson and cry, cry, cry.

    1. Dry your tears, little Alvin -- and thanks for the tip!
