Sunday, June 2, 2024

Eurovision: Only Mr. Koen Knows Why

This is a sad moment in the history of Jonderblog [writes Koen, our far-flung correspondent]. For the first time since March 5, 2018, we must start a post with a disclaimer!

WARNING: although the article is outrageously funny, the music isn’t! Therefore, we strongly advise you NOT to download the music or click on the YouTube links. If you still insist on doing so, prepare yourself with a large bucket and a lot of tranquilizers before listening to any of the tunes or watching the videos. Once you have puked your guts out, you’ll need the meds to recover a bit, although the damage is already done: you have opened an aural and visual Lovecraftian Pandora’s Box…

Earlier this year, the 68th Eurovision Song Contest was held in Malmö, something which I normally would ignore if it hadn’t been for the controversy around the disqualification of the Dutch candidate Joost Klein… His song ‘Europapa’ was considered a potential winner, and I made the huge mistake of actually checking it out.

After watching with open mouth for about 10 seconds I wanted to smash my desktop to pieces… Too late, its lyrics are still causing me massive headaches:

Europe, let's come together (Euro-pa-pa, Euro-pa-pa)

It's now or never, I love you all (Euro-pa-pa, Euro-pa-pa)

(Welcome to Europe, stay here until I die)

Welkom in Europa, blijf hier tot ik doodga, Europa-pa, Europa-pa

(Visit my friends in France or run to Vienna)

Bezoek m'n friends in France of neem de benen naar Wenen

(I want to leave the Netherlands, but my passport has disappeared)

Ik wil weg uit Netherlands, maar m'n paspoort is verdwenen (Etc.)

Painful indeed, but it did trigger some dusty memories of the late 60s and early 70s when the whole family was clustered around the (black & white!) television faithfully watching each year’s contest. And even when we considered the Dutch candidate awful, we would still secretly root for him/her/them, blame it on misguided nationalism!

Probably as a result I got so severely traumatized that I live now on the other side of the world[And has your passport disappeared? -- jonder]

Anyway, I managed to forget (more or less) about the Europapa travesty until last week… The New Yorker reposted a 2010 article written by Anthony Lane about Eurovision’s origins and wacky songs/performers, which had me in stitches.

In a moment of madness, I decided to share it with Jonder and Stinky and mentioned that ‘perhaps it would be fun to add the music to this article for a new post, but then we will be sued to death’. To my horror both of them thought it was a great idea and the result you are reading now...

still consider this a crime against humanity, but I’m giving you a choice! You can either download the PDF article + an additional PDF listing all 58 songs with YouTube links, in order to 'enjoy' the visuals, or...

Download all 39 songs from the 2010 Contest, a double CD in fact.  Of course you’re free to download both, but you might as well slash your wrists right now…

P.S. Strangely enough an old Jona Lewie song (Hallelujah Europa from 1975) should have been submitted by the United Kingdom, but as far as I know nobody ever even thought about it.


  1. Eurovision: Only Mr. Koen Knows Why?? I'm innocent, I know f*ck all!! However I still have a Dutch passport...

    1. I didn't mean to point fingers or blame the messenger! I was only playing off of the title of Anthony Lane's hilarious article in the New Yorker. Maybe readers will share examples of their own most hated Eurovision song.

  2. Nice rant, Koen. I won't rake in the downloads offered, thank you. Perhaps a nice antidote would be Misty In Roots' live album recorded at the Counter Eurovision 1979. YTube has it here: ; and here - ; ...AND HERE -

    1. This is indeed an excellent antidote. "Not just the best live reggae album but arguably the best live album of all time," the article says at this blog post:

    2. Thanks Henk! However do download the pdf, the article is a must-read. Misty In Roots is great, why I never heard of them in those days will always remain a mystery I guess...

  3. Two weeks ago or whenever they ran the show both me and the wife were too tired to put something 'real' on TV. My wife napped after about 3 1/2 performances and I followed her into the arms of Morpheus another three or four numbers later. From what I've seen, they really know their audience, and there's such a thing as catering to your audience, but I thought the gay-baiting and goth/queer/be different aesthetics were way too much. Again, know your audience, but did we need half-naked male back up dancers in every third performance? (Not saying we should have half-naked female back up dancers, either). My son's benchmate at school had some uncomfortable questions for her parents who let her watch the damn thing...

  4. It's a dirty job, but someone had to do it! Thanks for taking one for the team! - Stinky

  5. Nice rant, Koen. Won't rake in the downloads though, thank you. Wishing you the quickest recovery possible. Perhaps a helpful antidote would be Misty In Roots' live at the Counter Eurovision 1979 album. Three YTube entries for that one - ; ; . A reggae classic in its own right which no doubt is well-known to you and other visitors here.

  6. If you don't want to download the PDF, you can read "Only Mr. God Knows Why" (Anthony Lane's article on Eurovision) online, unless you've reached your monthly limit of free New Yorker articles:

  7. Thanks again guys. I took your advice & dld'd the PDF from mega. A very entertaining read indeed, cheers!

  8. It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it! Thanks Koen! - Stinky

  9. I ignored the warning. I'm sorry I did. Won't happen again. = /

    1. Our sincere condolences to you and your loved ones.

  10. Ooh, you say, Hallelujah Europe, I Say, Ray - Hallelujah I love her so, Dr Alban-Sing Hallelujah, Tracy Chapman - Say Hallelujah, Candi Staton – Hallelujah Anyway, Inner City, Sweathog, Happy Mondays, Kalle and Manu Dibango, Milk and Honey (Eurovision winners, yes), Deep Purple/each an original Hallelujah. Almost half a cd without LeonardCohen/Covers
