Thursday, June 27, 2024

Keep My Name Out'cha Mouth #4


CLEAR THE DECKS WEEK rolls on relentlessly, with daily posts for your downloading pleasure.  There were two year gaps between the first, second and third posts in the Keep My Name Out'cha Mouth series, but here we are with Volume 4 already, not 24 hours since the last one!  BAM!

This one is a personal favorite, because Stinky included some favorite bands of my punkish youth: Redd Kross, the Leaving Trains, and a deep cut from the first Vandals record! A tribute to Koen's fearsome rockabilly idol (Crazy Cavan) is also included.  What a thoughtful friend we have in Stinky!

There's a similar series of mixes at the Unherd Music blog called Hello My Name Is..., but songs in that series are strictly limited to famous names, and Roy hasn't posted one of those mixes in quite a while.

Speaking of Redd Kross, tomorrow is the official release date of their brand new self-titled double album on In The Redd Records!  The US tour begins on July 2, the Born Innocent documentary is making the rounds of film festivals, and the McDonald brothers' memoir (Now You're One Of Us: The Incredible Story of Redd Kross) will hit the shelves in October!!  It's a full on multimedia assault!!!  Neurotica is coming down fast!!!!

Forgive my excitement... back to our regularly scheduled programming (already in progress)... please enjoy Volume Four of Keep My Name Out'cha Mouth!


  1. It's Another Stinky Production!

  2. Jonder we on that same wave of excitement yoh! Steve-O posted this link last night (LA Times were my go-to show list every weekend for a year or two I lived in L.A. for a monster dotcom job and when I read it last night I was so excited because he has been feeding us new video's with so much energy it brought me back to my first Husker Du double album ZEN ARCADE and now Redd Kross joins the group with Minutemen and others but seriously...same excited expectations as that key album for me. Can't wait to get DVD/double LP and the perhaps the book in time. Here's the link and by the way Stinky is the coolest I know in blogging and cool that you guys met in person while Koen's blog is also up my alley super cool as sister-in-law's family out there. Get ready for a fun 4th (I didn't think I had anything related to post after big posts for so many years but got all excited to find some very related stuff to make Stinky proud of me!) Much Love! :>}

    1. Great article! Just to bring it full circle, Falling James (leader of the Leaving Trains) used to write event listings and reviews for the LA Times! My day with Stinky in NYC was lots of fun, and we visited a record store called Human Head that I wish I could go back to right now!

      I'm as excited about the Redd Album as I was about the White Album and the Damned's Black Album! I didn't mean to hijack Stinky's post with RK news, but they are one of my all time favorite bands and they've put on some of the best live shows I've ever seen. Steven is a fantastic bassist and so much fun to watch as a performer. He and Dale Crover are an awesome rhythm section (in Redd Kross as well as with Melvins). Jeff's voice sounds great, and he and his baby brother are writing amazing songs in the "middle age" of their career. Jason Shapiro (ex-Celebrity Skin) has been the band's secret weapon ever since he took over the guitar hero spot from Robert Hecker. If you get a chance to see Redd Kross this summer, you won't regret it!

    2. Wow, I had no idea about all this stuff happening on the Redd Kross front! Exciting indeed -- I'm hoping there's some good footage from the early to mid 80s in the Born Innocent doc! Thx for the news flash and new KMNOCM comp!

    3. Glad to share the news with fellow RK fans MrDave and ViacomCMD! Dave Markey shot a lot of footage back then, and of course this will be the FOURTH film featuring the Brothers McDonald, so maybe there are outtakes from Desperate Teenage Lovedolls, Lovedolls Superstar, and/or The Spirit of '76. More performance footage from the Desolation Center documentary would be cool too!

      THE SPIRIT OF '76:

  3. Thanks, Jonder and Stinky!

  4. I cannot (yet) download vol 2 (mediafire blocked it because amazon sells one of the songs). You can fill a dozen cds with songs naming the beatles, as a group or by person). One of my all time greatest is the Brazillian song Brigitte Bardot
    My name is Michael Caine, Robert de Niro is waiting, I remember Elvis Presley, Moral Majority (DK) California Uber Alles/We've got a bigger problem now (DK) Senator Hart humped a dumpling (Stikky) Sid Vicious was innocent, Jack Frost is innocent, Harry Nelson Pillsbury, Happy Birthday (Stevie Wonder) Martin Luther King (by Vernon Walters) Van Agt Casanova, We're so glad Elvis is dead, Ik ben verliefd op John Travolta (Sandy) John Wayne is big leggy, John Wayne was a Nazi, Godstar by PTV, Roman P (by PTV)
    Well this list will go on and on
    Atilla The Stockbroker - Flappin in the Wind

    1. I gotta find those and get them re-upped. Some of these titles take me way back, and others are totally unfamiliar (Senator Hart humped a dumpling? Is it about Gary Hart?)

    2. Gary Hart and Donna Rice -- simpler times, simpler scandals. He got caught, his career was over, end of story.
      Here are the new links, Richard!

  5. Thank YOU Crab Devil! - Stinky
