Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Keep My BRAND NAME Out'cha Mouth!


Here's a new twist on a theme that Stinky has previously explored.  Keep My Name Out'Cha Mouth (volumes 1 and 2) was our 100th post (back in 2020) and Volume 3 materialized almost two years later.  Now it's 2024, so I guess it take two years to generate these things? Our pal Mr. LePew has a mind that moves in mysterious ways...

As you can tell from the post title and the logos on the cover, the new variation is songs that mention brand names rather than people's names.  America loves fast cars, fast food, and soft drinks, and we celebrate them in song -- as well as clothing, cosmetics, and other consumer goods and services.  After all, we ARE living in a material world, are we not? 

A few months ago, I finally had the opportunity to actually meet Stinky for the first time, after years of exchanging emails and texts.  I spent a weekend in the Big Apple, and he emerged from an undisclosed location (I'm sworn to secrecy) to meet up for a day of record shopping and trading stories.  It was no surprise that he is kind, generous and very funny in person, just as he is on the internet.  It was cool to ride around with him, listening to his homemade CD-R's on the car stereo (just like I do) while recounting music trivia (just like I do) and brainstorming ideas for compilations like this one.  

It's great to have Koen with us now (at least virtually, if not in person) to share ideas and our mutual musical enthusiasms.  Each of us has his own tastes and perspectives, but all three of us enjoy the comments that readers post.  We hope you like today's compilation, and please share other songs that fit this name-dropping theme!


  1. CLEAR THE DECKS WEEK continues!

    Another Stinky Production

  2. How bout The Kinks Lola. The original where they say Coca Cola instead of Cherry Cola. They got busted by Coke.

    1. Ooh, that's a good one! Or how about NRBQ's "RC Cola and A Moon Pie"?

  3. Thanks!

    There are lots of songs mentioning types of cars. One "family" that comes to mind for me is "Mercury Blues," whether as in the K.C. Douglas original or as in the cover versions by David Lindley and by Alan Jackson. I also like Sam McGee's (charming) "Chevrolet Car" from 1928 as well as T. Rex's (ridiculous) "Mustang Ford" from 40 years later.

    To shift themes entirely, I guess there are at least a couple of very well known "Fuller Brush" songs: Julia Lee's 1944 "I've Got A Crush on the Fuller Brush Man" and James McMurtry's "Fuller Brush Man" (1995).

    Oh, and there's clearly no arguing with this one right here: .

  4. Nice one! How about Jerry Lee lewis: Jack Daniels Old N° 7?

  5. Ooh! That's a good one CRAB DEVIL! It'll definitely make the next BRAND NAME comp. But before that one comes down the pike I have one more variation up my sleeve! Thanks for all the comments! - Stinky

    P.S. I'm a guest poster over at the excellent C90 Lounge Blog--with a first in another series LOOSE! Songs about people who like to spread it around!

    1. I can't believe you're getting LOOSE over at a rival blog, after all the nice things I said about you -- and you even posted a song called Boys Boys Boys!

      (I'm kidding, just in case anyone wonders)

    2. Talk about “loose,” you blog slut! But seriously the more Stinky the better! Looks great – nice album cover too! (I tried to comment over there but WordPress is not cooperating with me)

    3. Thanks, Stinky! I just went by the C90 Lounge and grabbed your "Loose" compilation. (Now, that's one of my favorite blogs as well -- I just hope all heck doesn't, um, break free when Jonder finds out).

    4. No worries, it's all good. C90 Lounge is a fabulous blog, and I submitted a mix there myself for last year's mixtape contest (Nathan Nothin' won first prize, and I tied for second).

  6. "I ain't singing for Pepsi, ain't singing for coke" - Neil Young, This Note's For You


    1. "All I wanted was a Pepsi" -- Mike Muir, Institutionalized
      "Help, my hair's on fire!" - Michael Jackson, Pepsi commercial

  7. Descendents - "Weinerschnitzel"!!

  8. ("Der Weinerschnitzel" was a fast food chain in SoCal where the Descendents (and I) grew up -- was lucky enough to see them play it many times at Dancing Waters in Pedro!)

    1. My brother and I loved the Fat EP and Milo Goes To College, but sadly we never got to see the band (or eat at Der Weinerschnitzel).

  9. Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
    My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends
    Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends
    So, oh, Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

    Sometimes the obvious gets forgotten in the quest to name the most obscure.

    Also EMI - Sex Pistols, Brand New Cadillac - Vince Taylor

    And seeing the MJ commercial, there are a lot of brand related promo singles everywhere for everything. On postcards, flexi-discs. Hard to find but loads were made.
    For a lot of musicians it was a way to get paid a buck. Now it sometimes looks like, Hey I can Name this. While back then it was , we really need the cash so let's do it.

    1. Very true about overlooking the obvious. Thank you, Richard! You reminded me that Stinky shared a themed collection awhile back called Car Trouble, with lots of motorvating tunes:
