Saturday, February 8, 2025

Return Of The Son Of Triple Word Scores


Maybe this theme was beaten into the ground awhile ago, but it has risen from the grave thanks to contributions from Richard and Stinky, as well as a few leftover suggestions from readers' comments and some tracks that I stumbled upon while wandering the web.

Richard went through his collection and sent in a couple hundred songs from all over the world.  And then Stinky started emailing mp3's -- just one at a time, every now and then.  The two of them convinced me that it was worth revisiting.

It's taken awhile to sort them into compilations.  With such a volume of tunes, it became possible to organize them into themed compilations.  I enjoy the diversity of the first few Triple Word comps, and Crab Devil and I did a couple where the songs all had the same or similar titles.

But how to organize them -- chronologically? geographically? by genre? I ended up with some of each, and here are the first three (out of a total of sixteen or more CD-length sets).  Yeah Yeah Yeah is mostly rhythm & blues.   Wild Wild Wild is country music -- as old as Grandpa Jones, and as recent as two years ago.  Heavy Heavy Heavy is music by African artists, from L'Orchestre TP OK Jazz to Femi Kuti and Vusi Mahlasela -- and from the north, south, west (and possibly east) of the continent.


  1. Heavy Heavy Heavy (African triples):

    Wild Wild Wild (country triples):

    Yeah Yeah Yeah (rhythm & blues triples):

    Thanks again to Richard, Stinky, Berni and the anonymous reader who suggested "Coffee, Coffee, Coffee" for Koen's coffee comp!

    1. Just to avoid any confusion: "Girl Girl Girl" was NOT recorded by the Itty Bitty Titty Committee. Victor Uwaifo's band and the IBTC are two separate organizations, each with its own mission and values.

  2. Thank You, Jonder. There will be more.

    1. Good golly, you have MORE? I don't know if I can handle any more! I can't sleep, my wife moved out and took the kids, the bills are piling up...

      Just joking, of course. I'm grateful for all the music you have shared.

    2. I think we completely forgot this Dutch band:

    3. No it was among the first things I mentioned to Jonder. He and/or Stinky did a la-la-la and na-na-na compilation. It was not there. Hope Jonder finds the goodness to incorporate it in a following selection. But the Shoes, great band.

    4. Richard sent me so many songs that I have at least an hour of Dutch music with triple word titles, including "Na Na Na" by Shoes! Coming up soon...

  3. Yay, yay, yay! Thank you very much!

  4. A triple download as well, you sure keep that theme consistent! ;-)

  5. These compilations make my heart Sing! Sing! Sing!

    1. I'm glad that folks like you and Crab Devil aren't tired of them! I have so many more now, thanks to you and Richard.

  6. Darn, darn, darn! I stopped keeping track but ok here's a few. Some could be duplicates but I'm not getting paid to be accurate. If you'd like to discuss a raise....

    Lone Crow Rebellion - Shame Shame Shame
    Los Gallos - Yeah Yeah Yeah
    Los Lobos - Buzz Buzz Buzz
    Mumford & Sons - Dance Dance Dance
    The McCormick Brothers - Coffee, Coffee, Coffee
    Pokey LaFarge - Home Home Home

    1. Good to see you again, Berni! It has become a challenge to keep track. I'm trying to avoid duplicates (songs that have already appeared in other sets, and songs that are covers of others). Several of the songs on "Wild Wild Wild" were suggested by you. Thanks for these new ones!

      I don't know what Butterboy, Sprayon Pants or Nekro & Dog are paying you. I can offer you 20% more than what Stinky and Koen are getting. But keep it confidential -- I don't want them to find out!

    2. We can use this ultra-confidential forum to negotiate. No one will ever know.

  7. I found out, yeah I found out, and you deserve nothing less than double, of what Jonder pays me.

  8. Have we all missed Lefty Frisell - Give Me More, More, More of Your Kisses?
    Also there's Matthew Grimm and the Red Smear - Fuck Fuck Fuck

    Twice Richard's pay rate? And there was much rejoicing!

    1. Berni's already earning that bonus! Two great songs!
