Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tribute To Ted Templeman Vols.1 & 2


Tribute To Ted Templeman Vols.1 & 2

The idea for this compilation came as a result of reading Ted’s excellent autobiography; Ted Templeman: A Platinum Producer’s Life In Music (co-authored by Greg Renoff).

Templeman got his start as the singing drummer in the sunshine pop band Harper’s Bizarre, who had a hit with Paul Simon’s The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy).  Ted was taken under the wing of their producer, Lenny Waronker, who shepherded him from rock star, to record producer, and eventually Vice-President of Warner Bros. Records.

The artists he was instrumental in the success of is impressive; Van Morrison, Montrose, Van Halen, The Doobie Brothers, & Little Feat.  Along the way he also produced albums for Aerosmith, Captain Beefheart, Bette Midler, Joan Jett,  Nicolette Larson, Eric Clapton, & (Jokonky mainstays) Cheap Trick.  

KISS' Gene Simmons had paid for VAN HALEN to record demos & shopped them around without success.  Gene couldn’t believe that he couldn’t get them a deal and released them from their agreement.  Their manager Marshall Berle (Milton Berle’s nephew) told Ted Templeman about them.  Ted brought Warner’s CEO Mo Ostin to see the band, signed them, & Ted recorded their first album (in two weeks).  

He produced Van Halen’s first six albums & went along with David Lee Roth when he split from the group.  He wasn’t against Sammy Hagar talking over VH’s vocals, but maintained that it wouldn’t be Van Halen without DLR (& he may have coined the phrase Van Hagar).  The two worked together until Diamond Dave decided against having Templeman produce his Eat ‘Em & Smile album at the last minute—after Ted had turned down helming Aerosmith’s Permanent Vacation to be available to do it.

Van Halen's Ain’t Talking ‘Bout Love is Ted’s favorite of all the tracks he produced.  Ted always worked with (and gave credit to) engineer Donn Landee & said Donn had the idea for Eddie to double his guitar solo with an electric sitar on the track.  The two were usually of the same mind.  When Eddie was playing something he used to warm up—that we now know as the face-melting guitar solo in Eruption—Ted suggested he roll tape, & Donn already had it rolling.

Not that Ted's instincts were infallible.  When Eddie Van Halen first played him the instrumental tracks for the #1 hit Jump, Templeman was underwhelmed.  Even after David Lee Roth wrote the lyrics Ted felt it was a mistake.  Something that Templeman didn’t put in the book was that almost all the backgrounds on the Van Halen albums he produced were sung by Michael Anthony, Ted, & Eddie.  Ted would double Eddie because his voice just wasn’t strong enough.

An earmark of Templeman’s production style was to intermingle members of the bands he recorded--having members of The Doobies & Little Feat back other artists.  Michael McDonald working with Carly Simon, or Eddie Van Halen playing with Nicolette Larson, for instance.  McDonald says working with Templeman “was one of the great experiences of my musical life.  [Templeman], Russ [Titelman] and Lenny [Waronker], to me, were three of the greatest producers that any of us will have ever known."

During the recording of VH's 1984, David Lee Roth asked Templeman to reach out to McDonald when he was struggling to find a melody and lyrics for one of my favorite VH songs; I’ll Wait.  (Until I started reading about its recording online, I didn’t know that it was so divisive among VH-fans…. people either love it or hate it!)  McDonald came through, and the first pressing didn’t credit him as a co-writer, which he had to push to get straightened out, adding ten toes to the tally of those Diamond Dave has stepped on.

So visit the comment section to nab my selections of the most memorable tracks that Ted Templeman & his engineer Donn Landee worked their magic on.  And if your curiosity is whetted by the tracks, I highly recommend Ted’s book!


  1. Regular visitors know I’m a big fan of tasty trivia. So please leave your tastiest bit of trivia about any of the bands included on these 2 comps. In the spirit of “Photos or it didn’t happen” if you have a link that confirms your contribution, please include it. I’ll go first with some long-talked about trivia that’s fairly well-known now:

    Seen as an example of ROCK STAR EXCESS, Van Halen’s NO BROWN M&M’s BACKSTAGE clause (in their contract rider) was actually a useful diagnostic tool!

    “The group has said the M&M provision was included to make sure that promoters had actually read its lengthy rider. If brown M&M's were in the backstage candy bowl, Van Halen surmised that more important aspects of a performance--lighting, staging, security, ticketing--may have been botched by an inattentive promoter.”

    Here are the links! Enjoy:

    Tribute To Ted Templeman Vol. 1:

    Tribute To Ted Templeman Vol. 2:

    1. Who'da thunk the Van Halens were like the Hardy Boys, using the power of deductive reasoning (not just Peruvian marching powder!)

      Favorite story (whether it's true or not): Bono tried to invite Captain Beefheart out of musical retirement. CB wrote back, "Dear Bongo: no."

    2. i never turn down one of these fantastic comps but today i am startled to find many of my most unfavorite acts. thanks but no thanks. miichael macdonald!!??

    3. Depravos de la Mour -- too many brown M&M's? Maybe we will have something more to your liking next time.

  2. The Other Tikis - Bye Bye Bye
    I do not have a tasty trivia to share

  3. Great piece of writing and 2 interesting collections, thanks again Stinky, looking forward to listening to these. Trivia... I'll dig something up eventually...

  4. If there ever is a Mount Rushmore of Rock and Roll Producers - Ted's on it ! Amazing career and what a ear for talent.

  5. Thanks Koen!

    Here’s another bit of trivia:

    Sammy Hagar told Dan Rather that his mechanic Claudio suggested him as a lead singer to Eddie Van Halen afree Eddie admired Sammy’s Porsche.

    - Stinky

  6. I can relate, Depravos de la Mour, I used to hate Michael McDonald as well!

    1. stinky, what in the name of t. valentine! and all that is holy could have made you change your mind??!!
      certainly, him and that whole bunch didn't change.

      do you have a soft spot on your head for them because your name describes their horrible sound?

      halen! doobie! roth and an exhausting lineup of the most tiresome of the tiresome. maybe he produced all those wearying warblers because he was a good guy and SOMEBODY had to do it!

      i do love his greasy blonde hair. great look.

      van morrison and beefheart must have been really drunk or high to even talk to this guy. his "producing" duties for them were to push the record button and order lunch.
      joan jett seems like a nice person but once you've heard one joan jett song .....

  7. Depravos de la Mour:

    I'm a fan of a good song, and the Carly Simon & Michael McDonald co-write: YOU BELONG TO ME is a banger in my opinion. I especially like Anita Baker's version:

    And Joan Jett's is the only fan club I ever belonged to. She has one album that varies from her usual sound--it's Beatlesque to my ears. I love it:
    Here's a sample, LIE TO ME:

    Let's go with what I suspect is a shorter list: What music do you LIKE?

    - The One Who Stinks

    1. i am also a good song fan.

      which is why my love list is very long.

      my very first devotional admiration of an artist was the stones.

      they were my education.

      their early covers led me to seek out the originals and from there a million genres and artists and songs begat a million more with a truly consistent quality.

      my tastes are very wide in recordings.

      1890s edison discs - vess ossman, bert williams, cal stewart and a huge bunch of the earliest vaudeville, country, blues artists. most of which are probably a bit too raw for a polite contemporary audience.

      early jazz blues and country from the mid 20s to the 30s cab calloway, morten, oliver and countless others who still matter and inspire.

      almost all 40s-50s blues sun, king, chess and the hundreds and hundreds of labels that captured astonishing stuff that will drop your jaw to the basement.

      i love crazy artists. t. valentine is just gone.

      i love almost all rockabilly and doo wop.

      50s-60s soul is a passion.

      i mostly am enthralled by true originality and daring.

      i admit that i have a hard time with sampled music and electronica and i abhor synths.

      i need real people playing real instruments.

      although i do enjoy the earliest experimentalisms like cage.

      they are adventurous and you can feel the excitement of the artists discovering something unheard of before.

      talking boringly over someone else's music is of little interest.

      of course there are exceptions to all my prejudices and loves.

      i am semi human after all.

      marley was my introduction to reggae and discovery of ska and rock steady.

      i am a complete sucker for early ska which i prefer over reggae.

      and of course the everly brother.

      did i mention that i evolved into a beatle hater.

      with few exceptions i find them all (beatles) very silly.

      i love dylan, of course, even though he is a real asshole.

      he thrills and enrages me.

    2. Thanks for the list, DDLM. We do have comment moderation enabled on this blog, which is why your comment didn't post immediately after you sent it (more than once). Synths are real instruments -- even the silly Beatles knew that. I suppose you are referring to rap when you describe "talking boringly over someone else's music," unless you meant Dylan. A hundred years from now, old white men will treat the originality and daring of hip hop with the same reverence they now show for "talking blues" and the early reggae DJ's, but none of us will live to see it. As you said, what was "a bit too raw for a polite contemporary audience" back in the days of wax cylinders and Victrolas is now lost on the people complaining about how they couldn't understand the Pulitzer prize winner who performed at the Superbowl halftime show.

      We are all imperfect humans, with our own prejudices and loves. There's no right or wrong when it comes to musical taste, just differing opinions. What thrills you may bore me and vice versa. Please keep coming back, and keep an open mind. Those of us who enjoy David Lee Roth and Joan Jett may have soft spots in our heads, but we also have warm spots in our hearts. And sometimes wet spots on our chairs. (What, again?!!!)

  8. In the continueing saga: Will Depravos de la Mour take up the gauntlet, and provide everyone here with an insight in his own warm and pulsating, slightly vulnerable heart? Will we get a glimpse of the musical mensch hidden behind the cape that is Depravos de la Mour? But beware, the three-headed monster of Jokonky lurks in the shadow of the sun to ridicule the taste of Brave Depravos. They will throw sand!

    1. In my version of this saga, instead of throwing sand or trading jabs, we join forces like Transformers to battle a shared enemy: KID ROCK.

  9. Jeez, Jon--don't tell them all of our secrets. If our enemies know you, Koen, & I can join together into a single JOKONKY Transformer, we'll lose the element of surprise!

    1. Hold it Stinky, this is WAY above the paygrades of our regular visitors here!
